I am proud that I create quality feature articles that are appreciated by the people I interview, analysts and their representatives. Here are samples of the positive feedback I have received.
I am proud that I create quality feature articles that are appreciated by the people I interview, analysts and their representatives. Here are samples of the positive feedback I have received.
Everyone is trying to get in the ChatGPT and AI act. Jimmy Kimmel asked it to write a joke for him. Today, I asked Bing AI questions and got back some stupid and true answers. I don’t have to worry about being replaced by a bot–yet.
I asked Bing AI, “What is the funniest joke about blondes that is tasteful and smart?”
I’m pleased to announce that I will be covering some exciting upcoming events in the coming months for Auto Futures where I have been promoted to contributing editor.
I like attending events because I get to learn new technology and meet interesting people. I also like being able to touch, feel, smell and drive new vehicles. If you will be at these events, you can contact me via youcanbookme or phone.
I have been writing for Auto Futures since the fall and I am pleased with our win/win relationship. It has been a pleasure working with content head Adrian Smith who has a wry sense of humor and understands what makes a great feature story. Trade shows can be exhausting but they are much more fun when you guided to scout out genius.
For example, after sharing that I had Vegas throat and sounded like by former landlady Mrs. Furlong—-Adrian Smith suggested a spin on my coverage of CES and that’s how I came up with the “That’s Entertainment” theme feature. I personally didn’t think that spending time at the “dog kissing booth” at the LA Auto Show was strange—but it did make my LA Auto Show round-up howl.
When I attend CES in Las Vegas, where the latest technology is on display, I talk a different language, I call it E2E (Engineer-to-Engineer). At every industry event there are technical words and abbreviations that are required to speak and write about the business.